Elliminyt Primary School
Elliminyt Primary School is a highly inclusive, nurturing learning community that fosters life-long learning through motivated, responsible students who are engaged and involved in their learning environment.

Elliminyt Primary School is a highly inclusive, nurturing learning community that fosters life-long learning through motivated, responsible students who are engaged and involved in their learning environment.
We educate and nurture the ‘whole child’; developing academic, social and emotional competencies as part of the learning experience, supported by our core school values of Honesty, Respect, Personal Best and Responsibility.
English and Mathematics constitute the core of our curriculum program, as they are the building blocks on which other curriculum studies are built. All children will progress at different speeds, but the important thing is that they all work and learn to the best of their ability and feel appropriately challenged and successful in their learning.
Teaching and learning programs are delivered through the flexible grouping of students that allows learning to take place at the appropriate level for each and every individual. Stimulating programs in areas such as The Arts, Physical Education, Science and Indonesian enrich the daily lives of all pupils.

Founded in

With everyone working together our students enjoy learning and playing in a secure and safe environment.

Elliminyt Primary School is structured with a mix of composite and straight grades throughout Prep-6 classes. All classes maintain a low class size, with this varying from year to year.

Latest News & Events
Teachers and students work collaboratively in Professional Learning Communities, to create adaptive teaching options to cater for the individual needs of all students.

Contact Us
Appointments may be made at any time to tour the school with the Principal.
Please do not hesitate to contact our friendly office staff to make an appointment or if you have any queries.